Splinter cell blacklist steam
Splinter cell blacklist steam

In steam it should provide you with the regional price, version and release date (which should be the unlock date). This is a steam issue, not an Ubisoft issue. Any discussion along the lines of "why not use VPN" will be downvoted. It is also impractical for various reasons, such as multiplayer. Correct me as we go along.)Įdit: If you have the same issue, please upvote for visibility, and post here your region so that we can get an idea of who's affected.Įdit 2: VPN is not a solution since it is against the Steam EULA. This is despite retail copies having been officially launched and playable in these regions.Īrea's affected so far: (Updated as it comes in, using the names of Cities/Regions/Countries you provide me. In some non US-Territories such as Middle East, Africa, Asia and some French territories, the Steam version of Splinter Cell Blacklist, have been stuck on Pre-Load and still is at the time of this post. Unlocks seem to be happening around 6:30pm in each respective affected time zone, so if your game hasn't unlocked, it will likely unlock at 6:30pm in your time. Also report here if you are still having problems. /r/GamePhysics - Clips of game physics shining and glitchingĭesign based on /r/FlatBlue created by /u/creeschĮDIT: Game seems to be working now! Please close your support tickets on Steam so as to not tie them down for the guys with outstanding issues./r/gaming4gamers - middle ground between purely-for-fun and more serious subreddits./r/GamingLeaksAndRumours - Leaks and Rumors.Posting unmarked spoilers will result in removal and warning, and posting spoilers with malicious intent will result in a ban. Please report posts containing spoilers unless they are hidden using the following method or are inside a thread clearly labeled as containing spoilers. If you want to promote without participating in the community, purchase an ad. For more information, see the self-promotion on reddit FAQ. Some promotional submitting (posting your own projects, articles, etc.) is permitted, but it must be balanced out by a much greater level of non-promotion participation in reddit - the rule of thumb is no more than 10% of your submissions may be promotional. Promotion must be kept within acceptable limits.Follow all specific content restrictions.No off-topic or low-effort content or comments.No personal attacks, witch hunts, bigotry, or inflammatory language.No content primarily for humor or entertainment.Questions likely to generate discussion.Want to schedule an AMA with us? Read our guidelines for more information! To see previous AMAs, click here. New to reddit? Click here! Subreddit Calendar Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers.įor examples of quality discussion posts we'd like to see in our subreddit, please review this page.įor an in-depth explanation of our rules, please review our rules page. The goal of /r/Games is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. If you're looking for "lighter" gaming-related entertainment, try /r/gaming! Please look over our rules and FAQ before posting. r/Games is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions.

Splinter cell blacklist steam